Digitalization in marketing | North IT Group - your web development company for SME IT solutions

Nov 2, 2023

Digitalization in marketing | North IT Group - your web development company for SME IT solutions
Learn more about digitizing processes in marketing and how we at North IT Group use digital marketing methods to increase our visibility and improve the customer experience.

Digitization in Marketing | Part 1

In this article of our series on the topic of digitization of business processes in the IT software industry, we present to you today the digitization of processes in marketing. If you missed the previous posts, you can read about the digitization of management processes and the digitization of web and app development processes on our website.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use electronic devices or the Internet. Companies use digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their own website to connect with current and potential customers and promote their products or services.

Types of digital marketing

At North IT Group, we use various types of digital marketing to promote our company and our SMB IT solutions. These include our website, social media channels such as Instagram and LinkedIn, blog posts, and online brochures. We also showcase our design cases on platforms like Behance and Dribble.


Our website is the heart of our online presence. Here, we not only provide information about our IT solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, but also offer insights into our work, blog posts on relevant topics, and contact options.

Social media

We regularly share news from our company, exciting projects and information worth knowing via platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn. Social media allows us to communicate directly with our target audience and build a community.

Blog posts

In our blog posts, we go deeper into specific topics. Whether it's current trends in the digital environment, tips for optimizing business processes or background information on our projects - this is where we share our knowledge and experience.

Online brochures

Online brochures are an effective means of presenting our products and services in a detailed and appealing way. They offer the advantage that they can be easily updated and distributed through various channels.

Design Cases (Behance, Dribbble)

Our design cases on platforms like Behance and Dribbble offer insights into our creative work. Here we showcase selected projects and demonstrate how we create innovative, engaging designs for our clients.

Our marketing methods in North IT Group

To increase our visibility in search engines and improve our clients' user experience, we use various marketing methods. These include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, inbound marketing, and social media marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is a method aimed at improving the visibility and ranking of our website in organic (non-paid) search engine results. By using keywords that match our target audience and optimizing technical aspects of our website, such as load times and mobile optimization, we ensure that our website can be easily found.

Content marketing

Our content marketing strategy focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to appeal to a clearly defined audience and ultimately drive profitable customer behavior. Through high-quality blog posts, informative online brochures, and engaging social media content, we build relationships with our customers and position ourselves as experts in our field.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an approach that aims to attract customers by creating helpful, user-centric content tailored to their needs and interests. Through targeted SEO and content marketing strategies, we draw customers to our website and guide them through the buying process. In doing so, we focus on personalized communication and building long-term customer relationships.

Social media marketing

Our social media marketing uses platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn to increase our brand awareness, cultivate customer relationships and reach new customers. Through regular, engaging posts and interaction with our community, we strengthen our online presence and create a direct communication channel to our customers.


Digitalization in marketing has fundamentally changed the way we interact with customers and how we promote our services. It enables us to communicate in a more targeted and efficient way, always putting the customer at the center.

Digitalization in marketing is a dynamic process that requires constant adaptation and optimization. That's why we're excited to present the importance of data analytics tools in the next post in our series. These tools are essential to measure and optimize the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy.