Process management: digitally integrate your customers, service providers and partners | North IT Group

Oct 31, 2023

Process management: digitally integrate your customers, service providers and partners | North IT Group
Discover how you can digitize management processes to increase efficiency and improve collaboration with customers, service providers and partners.

Process management: Digitally involve your customers, service providers and partners

In our previous post, we covered the introduction to digitizing business processes. Now we'll dive deeper and explore how you can digitize processes in management and reap the benefits that digitization offers.

How can you digitize processes in management?

In the modern business world, digitizing processes in management is a crucial step to increase efficiency and ensure smooth operations. By using digital tools and platforms, managers can automate tasks, improve information flow, and foster better collaboration within the team. Examples of such tools include project management software, communication tools and database management systems.

What are companies digitizing management processes for?

Companies are digitizing their management processes for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it's to increase efficiency and reduce costs. By automating routine tasks, managers can focus on strategic tasks and increase productivity. In addition, digitization improves communication and collaboration, leading to better business results.

Our experience in North IT Group

At North IT Group, we have gained extensive experience in digitizing process management. We use various tools to optimize our processes and improve collaboration.


In North IT Group, we have successfully integrated Jira into our management processes. As a project management tool, it allows us to track tasks, monitor progress, and ensure that all team members are on the same page.


We use Miro for brainstorming sessions and planning projects. This visual collaboration tool allows teams to share ideas, discuss, and work together on projects regardless of their location.

Communication (Slack, Microsoft Teams).

We rely on Slack and Microsoft Teams for communication and collaboration between teams. These tools have significantly improved our communication processes by providing a platform for direct exchange, document collaboration, and meeting organization.


This post is part of a series in which we look at the digitization of business processes. In our subsequent posts, we will delve into other aspects of digitization, including implementing digital tools, training employees and optimizing digital processes. Stay tuned to learn more and successfully digitize your business processes.