Digitalization in marketing | Part 2: Data analysis tools and their importance

Nov 2, 2023

Digitalization in marketing | Part 2: Data analysis tools and their importance
Find out how data analytics tools are driving digitalization in marketing. Learn more about Google Analytics, Sistrix, SalesViewer and more in our series.

Digitalization in marketing | Part 2: Data analysis tools and their significance

In the previous posts in our series, we looked at the basics of digital marketing, the different types of digital marketing and the most common marketing methods. Today, we turn our attention to another significant aspect of digital marketing: data analytics tools.

Data analysis in marketing: methods and application

Data analysis plays a crucial role in modern marketing. With the help of specialized tools, companies can collect and analyze a wealth of data to make better decisions and develop more effective marketing strategies. However, proper use of these tools requires knowledge of data analytics and web development.

What are data analytics tools needed for?

Data analytics tools help businesses better understand their customers, measure the success of their marketing campaigns, and adjust their strategies. They make it possible to collect and analyze data about customer behavior, visitor numbers, conversion rates, and more.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most popular and widely used data analytics tools. It provides comprehensive information about website traffic, user behavior and conversion rates.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console provides valuable insights into a website's performance in Google search. It helps identify technical issues and improve visibility in search results.


Sistrix is a versatile search engine optimization tool. It offers keyword research, backlink analysis and competitor monitoring functions, among others.


SalesViewer is a tool for identifying website visitors. It allows businesses to identify potential customers and take targeted marketing actions.

Internal analytics tools in social media

Social media platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn also offer internal analytics tools that provide valuable insights into user behavior and interests.


Digitalization in marketing offers companies numerous opportunities to optimize their strategies and achieve better results. Data analysis tools in particular play a crucial role in this. They provide valuable insights into the behavior and interests of customers and enable companies to tailor their marketing measures specifically to their target group. Social media platforms also offer useful analysis tools that can be used in digital marketing. 

In our future posts, we will dive deeper into the digitization of business processes. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can leverage the opportunities of digitization in your business.