Transform Your Business with DevOps and Cloud Solutions | North IT Group GmbH

Jul 25, 2023

Transform Your Business with DevOps and Cloud Solutions | North IT Group GmbH
Discover our specialized approach in DevOps practices to accelerate application development and ensure high-quality software delivery. Benefit from our cloud-based solutions powered by AWS and Hetzner, providing robustness, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Welcome to the website of North IT Group GmbH, your expert for business process digitalization. We specialize in improving process efficiency, reducing transaction costs and promoting better control through a holistic approach to digitization.

Our core competence lies in the application of DevOps practices. DevOps, a combination of the words 'Development' and 'Operations', is an innovative approach that focuses on collaboration and communication between software development and IT operations teams. This approach aims to accelerate the application development lifecycle and ensure the delivery of high-quality software.

Through continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) - two key concepts in the DevOps approach - we can help you get your software to market faster while ensuring quality and security. Continuous integration refers to the process by which developers regularly check in their changes to a central repository, facilitating early bug detection and resolution. Continuous deployment, on the other hand, refers to the process by which updated software is automatically pushed to the production environment, significantly reducing time to market.

We rely on the cloud infrastructure of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Hetzner. AWS is a leading global provider of cloud computing services, offering a comprehensive range of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions. These enable companies to efficiently scale and manage their IT infrastructure. Hetzner, on the other hand, is a renowned provider of web hosting services and data centers, known for its reliable and high-performance infrastructure.

By combining the strengths of these two providers, we can offer you a robust, scalable and cost-effective solution for your digital needs. With this cloud-based strategy, you can benefit from the flexibility and scalability of the cloud while maintaining control over your data.

Our approach is holistic. We don't just look at individual business processes, but at your entire IT landscape. This includes analyzing your current IT infrastructure and business processes, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing solutions to achieve those improvements. We always keep in mind the goal of increasing your process efficiency, reducing your transaction costs, and providing you with better control.

We are here to support you every step of the way in your digital transformation. Contact us today to learn more about our DevOps approach and cloud solutions. We look forward to working with you.