How to launch your business online successfully

Jul 7, 2023

How to launch your business online successfully
In this post, we will introduce our brand-new solution for your online business. Use the North IT Shop template!

The most popular Content Management System (CMS) for online shops is WordPress. Two advantages make it stand out:

  1. The admin panel is highly intuitive and user-friendly.
  2. There is a plugin available for almost any design idea.

Despite these benefits, the loading speed of WordPress sites can often be slowed by the following factors:

  • Conflicts between these plugins
  • Unoptimized data storage
  • The absence of automatic caching

The North IT template takes the best features of WordPress and overcomes its drawbacks through a component-based approach.

  • Each block in the template is made up of components, allowing you to add as many as you want and fill them with text and images.
  • Selecting and placing components is easy, thanks to an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Our concept also allows a flexible extension of the UI component library. The website only loads necessary styles and scripts, ensuring a high download speed.

  • The original layout meets SEO requirements
  • Alongside optimized images, the website is easily discoverable by search engines
  • Editing website content is done through a self-explanatory admin panel
  • The website complies with all EU data protection requirements
  • Your online shop can be up and running within just four weeks
  • We provide ongoing technical support and are always ready to bring your ideas to life