What advantages does a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offer?

Dec 12, 2023

What advantages does a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offer?
Find out how a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can help your company to reduce costs, increase productivity and improve data security.

What advantages does a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offer?

The digitalization of the working world is progressing and with it the need for companies to adapt their IT infrastructures. A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can be an effective solution here. But what exactly is a VDI and what advantages does it offer?

You need to know this

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is a cloud solution that makes it possible to run desktop operating systems on virtual machines in a data center.
  • It offers improved data security and compliance, supports flexible working models and can increase productivity.
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure can reduce IT costs and simplify system management.
  • It supports business continuity and disaster recovery.

VDI: an effective cloud solution

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, or VDI for short, is a technology that digitizes and centralizes the management of workplace environments. It enables company employees to access company applications and services from any location. VDI is a cost-effective solution for optimizing IT management and data security thanks to its provision via the Internet.

As part of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, virtual machines (VMs) are generated and administered on a central server. Each of these VMs provides a virtual desktop that users can access from various devices. A connection broker acts as an interface between users and servers, making it easier to establish connections.

Improved data security and compliance

One major advantage of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is improved data security. As all data is stored in a centralized data center, it is easier to enforce security policies and meet compliance requirements.

Flexible working models and increased productivity

VDI supports flexible working models and can increase productivity. Employees can access their desktops and applications from any location. This is a great advantage, especially in times of home office and mobile working.

Cost savings and simplified system management

By centralizing the IT infrastructure, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure can save costs and simplify system administration. Instead of managing individual desktops, IT teams can roll out updates and patches centrally.

Support for business continuity and disaster recovery

In the event of an outage or disaster, users can quickly access their desktops and applications. This minimizes downtime and supports business continuity and disaster recovery.

Success criteria for the implementation of VDI

  • Focus on the service provided, not just the desktops.
  • Identify end user requirements for optimal configuration.
  • Prepare the network and perform capacity planning.
  • Carry out a pilot phase to check the configuration and troubleshoot.


In summary, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is an efficient, flexible and secure solution for the working environments of companies in a wide range of industries.

As a leading IT company with expertise in web development and app development, we can help you implement and manage your VDI. Learn more about our services and contact us today to find out how we can help you.