Digitalization of web and app development processes

Nov 2, 2023

Digitalization of web and app development processes
Explore how the digitalization of web and app development processes can increase your efficiency and reduce costs.

Program, develop and deliver: Digitizing Web and App Development Processes

In the third part of our series on the digitization of business processes, we would like to focus on the digitization of processes in web and app development. We take a look at the benefits of digitization in this area and share our experience and expertise as a leading web development company. If you missed the first two parts of our series, you can read them here and here.

Here's what you need to know

  • Digitizing development processes can increase efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Methods like code repositories can help digitize development processes.
  • Platforms like Bitbucket and Github are important tools for successful digitization.

How can development processes be digitized?

Digitizing development processes refers to moving from traditional, manual processes to automated, digital processes. This can be achieved by using software development tools, such as code repositories. These allow developers to store and manage their code centrally, greatly improving collaboration and efficiency.

Cloud-based working

Another aspect of digitization is the use of cloud-based platforms. By outsourcing infrastructure to the cloud, development processes can be made more flexible and scalable. In addition, the cloud offers the possibility of accessing a wide range of resources and services that can speed up and simplify development.

What are web and app development processes digitized for?

Digitizing has several benefits. It can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the quality of the final products. It also enables faster and more effective collaboration between developers, which can lead to faster delivery and higher customer satisfaction.

Improving product quality

Digitizing development processes can improve the quality of products. With digital tools and methods, defects can be identified and fixed faster, leading to higher product quality.

Our experience in North IT Group

As a leading web development company, we at North IT Group have extensive experience in digitizing development processes. We use code repositories and other methods to streamline our processes and achieve the best possible results for our clients.

Bitbucket and Github

Platforms such as Bitbucket and Github play a central role in the digitization of development processes. These enable developers to efficiently manage and share their code, leading to improved collaboration and productivity.


Stay tuned for more posts in our series on business process digitization, where we will dive deeper into individual aspects of digitization.