Meet the Furry Friends Behind the Code!

Dec 20, 2023

Meet the Furry Friends Behind the Code!
Can the workflow be more efficient if our pets are around? We asked our team what it's like to have a furry friend helping you write a code, for example.

When our employees work from home, they are often kept company by their pets. The Human-Animal Bond Research Institute has proven that owning a pet reduces stress or anxiety, and therefore workflow. Pet owners are better able to cope with loneliness because their pet is there to support them and make them happier.

Our team also shared with us their experience of home office with pets. And here are the 3 points we highlighted from most of the stories:

  • Stress reduction. Our pets give us a chance to take our minds off our screens and channel our energy into our little friends. Just 10 minutes spent interacting with our furry friends can reduce cortisol, a hormone that can negatively impact stress levels.
  • A clear daily routine. With the arrival of a pet, owners have to become more responsible and disciplined. Simple actions such as feeding pets at the same time every day or taking a walk with the dog, help to develop other useful routine habits related to the work process.
  • Reliable little helper. Pets are always there for us, ready to give us their time and love. Some people who work from home only communicate constantly through a computer screen. Our pets are the ones who freely give you a positive boost when friends and family are busy or not around.

So when you're home, give your furry friends a hug and thank them for all that they do for you, perhaps without even realizing it.