An interview with our project manager Margarita

Jun 9, 2023

An interview with our project manager Margarita
Our project manager Margarita told us about her most memorable moments at work, her ideal day, and what other profession she would like to try.

How long have you been working for North IT? Tell us about the most memorable thing that happened to you during your career?

I am working as project manager at North IT since 2020, so almost three years. Most of my projects concern development platforms from scratch. However, the most memorable management case was a running project with legacy code and no management. I got this software development project by my own initiative I understood the role of management dealing with it.

What advice would you give your younger self, who just came to North IT?

Try not to spend too much time on a single task. There is no point in bringing the task to perfection. Kill the perfectionist in yourself and safe time for other tasks. In the end edits from each task will gain you more experience than feedback regarding one of them.

Describe us your perfect day at work.

I am leaving for home at 18.00. The workflow worked out perfectly, there is no need to do extra hours and every project I am leading runs smoothly.

If not a project manager, what other job position would you like to try?

I would like to stay in management direction. However, a product manager or owner role would make a nice change, too. I love to take over responsibility, to structure the knowledge base and to communicate with people, who are as passionate about the project as I am. Another good choice would be to take over an IT company. From my perspective, each of these positions include the things I like to do the most.