Our development teams | NORTH IT Group

Dec 19, 2023

Our development teams | NORTH IT Group
Specialized development teams for web and app development with expertise in leading programming languages.

Our development teams. Introduction | NORTH IT Group

At NORTH IT Group, a leading web development company, we offer comprehensive app development and web portal solutions through our specialized development teams.

The structure of our development teams

At NORTH IT Group, talented web and app developers work hand in hand to create innovative digital products.

Web teams

  • Code Crafters: Experts in PHP Laravel and Angular
  • Snakeheads: Experienced in Python and React
  • Creative Coders: Creative and experienced in PHP Laravel and JavaScript

App team

  • Our app team uses advanced technologies such as Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android to develop first-class mobile applications.

Our specialization in programming languages

The right programming language is the foundation for developing powerful and efficient applications. At NORTH IT Group, we pride ourselves on our extensive expertise in a variety of programming languages:


PHP is a widely used server-side programming language that is perfect for creating dynamic web portals and complex backend systems. Our PHP developers use modern frameworks such as Laravel to develop robust and scalable solutions.


JavaScript is an essential language for the development of interactive websites. Our developers use frameworks like Angular and libraries like React to create user experiences that are both engaging and functional.


Python is known for its simplicity and versatility, making it ideal for data science, machine learning and complex use cases. Our Python experts combine best practices with cutting-edge technologies to make your projects a success.

Swift and Kotlin

For mobile app development, our teams use Swift and Kotlin - two modern languages prized for their security, performance and intuitive language features. These languages allow us to develop user-friendly and powerful mobile applications that run smoothly on the latest operating systems.

While there is no "best" programming language, our experienced web developers and app developers will select the optimal language that best suits the specific requirements of your project.

Our development services

NORTH IT Group offers a wide range of development services to meet the digital needs of your business:

  • Customized web development and web portal design
  • Development of customized mobile applications for iOS and Android
  • Comprehensive backend and frontend development
  • Maintenance, optimization and scaling of existing digital products


NORTH IT Group combines experience, expertise and passion to make your digital project a success with our customized web and app development services. Get in touch with us to find out how our development teams can support your business with innovative solutions.

Contact us now to discuss your project!