Why Outsourcing Testing Makes Sense | North IT Group GmbH

Nov 30, 2023

Why Outsourcing Testing Makes Sense | North IT Group GmbH
Discover why outsourcing testing is sensible and how using agile software development processes and TaaS can increase your efficiency.

Why Outsourcing or Nearshoring Software Testing is Sensible

Testing is crucial for the successful implementation of a software solution. Outsourcing software testing can be a step towards success, typically leading to higher process efficiency, lower costs, and better control. 

What you need to know:

  • Outsourcing testing services can lead to faster and better results.
  • It allows developers to focus on the essentials and helps save time and personnel.
  • Outsourcing can be advantageous in the development of safety-critical software.
  • Agile software development processes and TaaS offerings support the outsourcing of tests.
  • Not all testing phases are equally suitable for outsourcing.

What is Crucial for Proper Testing?

In software development, it's crucial that test requirements, error analysis, and application code are carefully executed through specialized testing tools. Functions and the quality of the developed software must be checked with effective methods and well-defined test cases. The management of this process requires a sophisticated testing procedure, where functional tests and collaboration with developers play a central role. Increasingly, test automation is used to enhance efficiency and accuracy and ensure that all aspects of the software are thoroughly tested. 

Expectations vs. Reality in Outsourcing Testing Services

Outsourcing testing services is often seen as a faster and more cost-efficient way to achieve better results. But like any strategic decision, there are pros and cons to consider.

The Advantages of Outsourcing

Outsourcing manual and automated testing allows developers to focus on their core competencies. It is often more cost-effective and helps save time and personnel. Especially in times of high testing workload, such as around release dates, outsourcing can be a sensible strategy. The time saved will be appreciated by your developers!

Standards and Outsourcing

In the development of safety-critical software, outsourcing tests can be particularly advantageous. Some standards require organizational separation of development and quality assurance. Here, outsourcing can provide a solution.

The Role of Agile Software Development Processes and TaaS

Agile software development processes are characterized by iterative and incremental approaches. In such processes, test development can occur before, parallel to, or after software implementation. This is where outsourcing unit tests becomes practical.

Testing as a Service (TaaS)

TaaS offerings, like those from North IT Group GmbH, enable the outsourcing of software testing. Both individual testing tasks and complete testing can be outsourced. The goal is to reduce effort and efficiently utilize test results.

The Right Phase for Outsourcing

Not all testing phases are equally suitable for outsourcing. In early phases, proximity to the client is important; in later phases, service providers can be used to optimize costs. The golden mean is the outstaffing of testers for the duration of a project. Feel free to contact us on this matter as well.


Crucial for testing success and quality assurance process is the right strategy and the definition of requirements to detect and correct errors early. Testers use various tools to ensure that the application and code meet set criteria. Careful design and execution of test cases make the entire process more effective and efficient. Box methods also play a role here, defining and structuring the testing scope. Committed collaboration between testers and teams is essential to continuously improve software quality and ensure that all tests are thoroughly executed and all test cases are covered. North IT Group GmbH is happy to assist you in planning, monitoring, or implementing. We look forward to passing your test.