App Testing and Quality Assurance - North IT Group

Nov 28, 2023

App Testing and Quality Assurance - North IT Group
App testing and quality assurance: Discover how we optimise your mobile application on iOS and Android with comprehensive UI design, app development, UX, backend and database management.

App Testing and Quality Assurance - Optimizing Your Mobile Application

Platform business is the talk of the town. However, every platform is only enjoyable if all functions work flawlessly and users are not frustrated by crashes. Therefore, quality assurance in app development is a top priority. With the steady rise of iOS and Android as dominant mobile platforms, app testing has become essential to ensure a seamless user experience (UX). North IT Group GmbH, as a leading app agency in Central Germany, offers comprehensive solutions for app testing and quality assurance.

What You Need to Know

  • App testing is crucial for the functionality and user-friendliness of your mobile application.
  • The importance of quality assurance and testing for design UI, backend, and database management in app development.
  • How we, as a leading web development in Leipzig and app development in Central Germany, optimize your mobile application.

App Testing – Key to a Successful Mobile Application

Mobile app testing is crucial to meet the high expectations of users in terms of functionality and user-friendliness. Insufficient performance or usability often leads to immediate uninstallation of the app. This is true whether we talk about a hybrid, native, or web app. Existing software testing methods such as boundary value analyses and coverage types should always be applied in the mobile area. Manual testing is especially relevant due to the mobility and interaction of users with the app in various networks and environments.

Quality Assurance in App Development

In addition to manual tests, automated tests are essential, where the choice of a tool that covers all UI elements, features, and implemented gestures of an app is crucial. It is also important that these tests are conducted on physical devices to achieve realistic results. Other important test areas include usability, security, accessibility, device-specific, update and installation tests, as well as load and performance tests.

Security Aspects in App Testing

App testing is divided into functionality, usability, compatibility, and security. For companies, app testing is indispensable to motivate employees, comply with security guidelines, and protect sensitive data. App publishers must test apps for usability, functionality, legal compliance, and especially security before release.

Our Expertise in App Testing and Quality Assurance

As a leading app agency in Central Germany and experts in backend development, we offer comprehensive app testing and quality assurance. With our experienced team of backend developers and our comprehensive understanding of database management, we guarantee a robust and secure mobile application for your business.


With the steady rise of iOS and Android as dominant mobile platforms, app testing has become essential. At North IT Group GmbH, we help you optimize your mobile application and ensure a seamless user experience. We develop web and mobile applications and tailor your digital products and projects to your wishes. We also help you get your apps into the Google and Apple stores. Contact us!

Read here our articles on marketing, the differences between Native, Hybrid, or WebApps.