Application tests: Manual vs. automated - optimisation for iOS and Android

Nov 27, 2023

Application tests: Manual vs. automated - optimisation for iOS and Android
Discover the differences and advantages of manual and automated application tests. Learn how they can increase the quality of software development.

Software Testing - How to Do It (Correctly)?

Software testing is a critical process that ensures software requirements are effectively met. This process involves testing the code to identify and correct errors, thereby improving the functionality and reliability of the software. Software testing includes various methods to ensure that all features operate as intended. This multifaceted approach significantly contributes to product safety by ensuring that the end product meets customer expectations. Whether conducted in a "Black Box" or "White Box" environment, each test plays a key role in the overall development process, delivering a high-quality and user-friendly product.

Application Testing: Manual vs. Automated

The quality in software development significantly depends on effective testing procedures. This is particularly true in today's era of information technology - and especially in app development for iOS and Android. However, the question often arises: Should application testing be done manually or automated?

What You Need to Know:

  • Manual tests are particularly effective in early development stages and for UI testing, but require a high level of skill from testers.
  • Automated tests enable efficient verification of software functionality and can reduce error density by up to 90%.
  • Both testing methods have their strengths and weaknesses and should ideally be used in combination.

Manual Testing

Manual testing refers to manually conducting test cases by testers without the aid of automated tools. The basic functionality and user interface (UI) of software applications are thoroughly examined here. Manual tests are effective in early development phases and for UI testing and exploratory tests. However, they are less suitable for areas such as load testing or when dealing with large volumes of data. In the manual testing process, developers, QA testers, and QA managers play key roles.

Automated Testing

Automated tests are conducted using test tools in an isolated test environment. This allows for efficient verification of software functionality. Automated tests can ensure comprehensive coverage of different scenarios and reduce error density by up to 90%. Types of automated tests include Unit Tests, Integration Tests, and End-to-End Tests (E2E). Despite the many advantages, automated tests require a higher initial investment and maintenance.

Comparison and Integration

Automated testing offers a faster, more reliable, and comprehensive testing process compared to manual testing. It allows for cost reduction and is scalable for large applications. Manual testing, however, offers human intuition and flexibility, while automated tests save time and are more consistent. Both testing methods have their strengths and weaknesses and should ideally be used in combination. Automated test tools are particularly useful for repetitive tasks, complex scenarios, and regression tests. For teams with a CICD pipeline, automation is essential.


The decision between manual and automated testing depends on many factors, including the type of application, development stage, and available resources. A combination of both methods can often be the most effective solution to ensure high quality in software development.