AI meets the cloud: the digital revolution | North IT Group

Nov 27, 2023

AI meets the cloud: the digital revolution | North IT Group
Learn how AI and cloud computing are revolutionising the digital landscape. From increasing efficiency in database development to improving business processes, this symbiosis is changing the way organisations work and grow.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meets Cloud: The Digital Revolution 2023

The digital landscape is undergoing a revolutionary change through the combination and application of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. From efficiency enhancements in database development to improvements in business processes, this symbiosis is changing the way companies work and grow. In this article, we explore how AI, algorithms, and cloud computing complement each other and drive digital transformation.

What You Need to Know:

  • Generative AI models, neural networks based on deep learning, significantly influence cloud computing and drive digital development.
  • Cloud computing offers tailored AI services, providing high flexibility in resource allocation.
  • The combination of AI and cloud technology improves the productivity of mobile employees and optimizes business processes.
  • The integration of AI into the cloud enhances the performance of both technologies and promotes business development.
  • The economic significance of AI and cloud computing is steadily growing, with an annual contribution of up to 4.4 trillion dollars to the global economy.

Impact of AI on Cloud Computing

The interaction between AI and cloud computing is a driving force behind digital evolution. Generative AI models based on deep learning significantly influence cloud computing. They enable the automatic creation of images, texts, and videos, improving the efficiency and capability of cloud infrastructures. This advancement is supported by platforms like AWS, Hetzner, and Google Cloud and is reflected in the rising global expenditures for public cloud services.

AI as a Service and Flexibility

Cloud computing offers tailored AI services, providing high flexibility in the deployment of memory, computing power, and storage space. The hybrid use of private and public clouds offers additional security for sensitive data and supports companies in optimizing their processes. Especially SME IT solutions benefit from this flexibility, enabling rapid scaling and access to advanced technologies like AI and machine learning.

AI, Cloud, and the Employee Experience

Cloud computing enables employees to access important applications, data, and systems from anywhere, which is essential for remote working teams. As a central platform, the cloud allows the storage and retrieval of information independent of location. AI technologies, especially in combination with Big Data, simplify access to and analysis of customer information. Employees can more efficiently retrieve customer data, leading to better informed decisions and tailored solutions. AI-based chatbots and automated systems take over routine tasks, allowing employees to focus on more complex and value-added tasks. This automation also supports personalized customer interactions and improves customer satisfaction. Advanced analysis functions of AI systems enable quick insights from large data sets, accelerating decision-making, especially in time-critical situations. AI-supported learning platforms in the cloud offer personalized learning paths that promote professional development and keep employee skills up to date. Cloud platforms facilitate collaboration regardless of the physical location of teams, while AI-supported tools optimize communication and information provision. Finally, AI helps identify and solve problems early on, leading to proactive and efficient working methods.

The Economic Significance of AI and Cloud Computing

The combination of AI and cloud computing has gained significant importance in daily life and the economy. Projects like "Service-Meister" by BMWK demonstrate the potential of these technologies in practice. Generative AI could contribute up to 4.4 trillion dollars annually to the global economy. The German AI market is showing strong growth, with an increasing share of companies using AI technologies and viewing them as important future technologies.

The energy efficiency of servers, especially during AI training cycles, is crucial. Efficient resource management and appropriate cooling of servers contribute to optimizing the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) value. Many companies opt for public cloud services over their own on-premise infrastructures to benefit from scalable computing resources and easy access to AI technologies.


The synergy of artificial intelligence and cloud computing is revolutionizing the digital landscape and offers companies countless opportunities to optimize their processes and increase productivity. The ongoing integration of AI into the cloud improves the performance of both technologies and promotes business development. It's an exciting time for digital evolution, with AI and cloud at the forefront. Our digitalization experts have already brought AWS servers together with AI image processing tools to edit and store photos from a database with more than a million images in the cloud. Feel free to contact us.