Cloud computing trends: the future of IT

Jul 1, 2024

Cloud computing trends: the future of IT
Discover the latest trends in cloud computing and how they are revolutionizing the IT landscape.

Cloud computing trends

Cloud computing has become firmly established in German companies. According to the KPMG Cloud Monitor 2024, over 80% of companies with at least 20 employees are already using cloud solutions. A further 13% are planning to use them to reduce costs and increase agility and innovation. The cloud computing industry is experiencing significant double-digit growth of 21% and is expanding in areas such as container services, serverless functions, machine learning and traditional database systems.

What you need to know

  • Hybrid and multi-clouds offer flexibility and cost savings
  • Edge computing reduces latency and is ideal for IoT applications
  • Serverless computing enables cost efficiency and flexibility
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are driving cloud adoption
  • Cloud-based SASE architecture improves security and scalability

Key trends and developments

Hybrid and multi-clouds

Companies are combining private and public clouds to scale flexibly and save costs. These models offer improved business continuity, but require complex management and individual design. The choice between cloud or own server depends on the company's specific requirements and resources.

Edge computing

Processing data closer to the end user reduces latency and lowers costs, especially important for real-time applications in the Internet of Things (IoT). This is one of the key benefits of cloud computing, as it increases the efficiency and responsiveness of applications.

Serverless computing

Serverless computing makes it possible to run applications without server management, resulting in cost efficiency and increased flexibility. Particularly useful for app development, this technology is a prime example of the benefits of cloud computing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

The cloud provides the necessary infrastructure for the development and operation of AI applications. This enables cost-efficient scalability and access to AI tools and libraries. Cloud computing AI is both a driver and a user of the cloud, which underlines the two-way promotion of cloud and AI adoption.

Cloud-based SASE architecture

The integration of network and security functions into cloud-based services ensures secure and scalable connectivity, especially for remote work and decentralized business models.

Disaster recovery

Companies are increasingly relying on cloud-based solutions to quickly restore systems and data after unforeseen events. This is another key benefit of cloud computing.

Cloud gaming

The gaming industry uses cloud technologies to enable high-quality gaming experiences regardless of hardware restrictions. This clearly shows how cloud computing AI and other technologies can be combined to create innovative user experiences.

Containerization and orchestration

Platforms such as Kubernetes enable efficient and scalable deployment of cloud applications. These technologies are a strong argument for cloud or own server, as they further optimize the benefits of the cloud.

Integration of the blockchain

The combination of blockchain and cloud services increases transparency and security in data processing.

IoT and cloud synergies

The IoT benefits from the cloud through more effective data collection and processing, leading to smarter and more connected business processes. This is another clear advantage of cloud computing.

Challenges and solutions

Complex cloud migration

According to NetApp's "Data Complexity Report", 98% of companies are still in the middle of their cloud migration and often need help with implementation. A strong need for hybrid multi-cloud architectures has been identified.

Cost control and FinOps

Flexera's "State of the Cloud" report shows that companies are increasingly relying on financial operations (FinOps) to control costs in cloud operations and optimize usage.

Future developments

Growth potential

According to IDC, spending on cloud computing will exceed the USD 1 trillion mark for the first time in 2024. The potential for continued growth despite economic uncertainties remains high.

Innovation potential

The cloud enables new business models and applications such as IoT/IIoT and blockchain. Real-time analytics is becoming increasingly important, and the cloud reduces the need for direct IT investments, accelerates the evaluation of new technologies and supports the strategic realignment of digitally transformed organizations.

Companies that take advantage of these trends and developments will stay ahead of the competition and benefit from the many advantages of cloud computing.

Cloud computing has established itself as an indispensable technology for companies that want to increase their agility, innovative strength and cost efficiency. Whether through hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, edge computing or the integration of AI and machine learning, the benefits of cloud computing are diverse and far-reaching. Given the rapid growth and ongoing opportunities for innovation, it is essential to use these technologies effectively.

North IT Group helps companies implement the right cloud strategies and realize the full potential of these technologies. Contact us to learn more about our customized cloud solutions and how we can help you achieve your business goals.

Contact us today and start your journey to the cloud with North IT Group!