Cloud storage solutions for companies - NORTH IT Group GmbH

May 31, 2024

Cloud storage solutions for companies - NORTH IT Group GmbH
Discover the best cloud storage solutions for companies. Find out more about Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and Box.

Cloud storage solutions for companies

Cloud solutions have become an essential part of companies' IT infrastructure, regardless of their size. They enable working from home, flexible working hours and mobile workplaces, which offers numerous advantages for both employees and employers. Especially since the corona crisis, the demand for cloud solutions has risen sharply, with Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and Box being the preferred providers.

What you need to know:

  • Mobility and flexibility: access to company data at any time and from anywhere.
  • Cost efficiency: Savings on hardware and software costs.
  • Secure working: Encrypted data transmission and strict security standards.
  • Scalability: Adaptation of the technical infrastructure to business requirements.

Advantages of cloud solutions

Mobility and flexibility

Cloud storage makes it possible to access company data securely at any time and from any device. This promotes mobile working and is particularly beneficial in times of remote working and working from home. Employees can easily access documents, presentations and other important files, regardless of whether they are in the office, at home or on the move. This not only increases productivity, but also employee satisfaction.

Cost savings

Your company can save on hardware and software costs with cloud applications as it does not need its own servers. Our cloud services also offer on-demand scaling and usage-based payment, which enables an efficient cost structure. This flexibility allows your company to better control all IT expenditure and use resources more efficiently. The reduction in costs leads to higher profitability and allows investment in other areas of the business.

Secure working

Modern cloud services transmit data in encrypted form, ensuring a high standard of security. Security features such as two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption are crucial to protect access to company data. Many cloud providers also offer regular security updates and comprehensive monitoring tools to detect and neutralize potential threats at an early stage. These security measures are particularly important for companies that manage sensitive data.

Special requirements of SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 250 employees and a maximum turnover of 50 million euros benefit in particular from the advantages of the cloud. These companies can use cloud applications to relieve the burden on their IT department, enable flexible working and speed up work processes. Security functions such as two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption are particularly important here.

Clouds allow SMEs to scale their technical infrastructure as required, enabling more efficient costs and more flexible adjustments to business requirements. Areas of application include cloud-based office systems that increase productivity and automatic backups that prevent data loss. By using cloud solutions, SMEs can also better compete with larger competitors as they have the same technological advantages at their disposal.

Comparison of the leading cloud providers

Google Drive

Integrated with Google Workspace, it offers 15 GB of free storage and advanced business packages. Google Drive offers seamless integration with other Google services such as Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides, making team collaboration much easier. Companies can assign different access rights to ensure that only authorized people can access certain data.

Microsoft OneDrive

Seamlessly integrated into Microsoft 365, offers advanced encryption and various business packages. Microsoft OneDrive is particularly suitable for companies that already use other Microsoft products such as Office 365 or Microsoft Teams. The integration makes it possible to save and edit documents directly in the cloud without having to download them. OneDrive also offers extensive compliance and security functions that meet the requirements of many industries.


Known for fast synchronization and extensive team features, offers various business plans. Dropbox offers an intuitive user interface and powerful team collaboration tools. With features like third-party app integration and advanced sharing options, teams can work more efficiently and complete projects faster. Dropbox also offers specialized features for managing and backing up company data, making it an attractive option for many businesses.

Box Drive

Focus on collaboration and security, supports customer-managed encryption and offers multiple business packages. Box Drive is particularly suitable for companies that place a high value on data protection and compliance. With features such as access rights management, detailed audit logs and the ability to self-manage data encryption, Box Drive provides a robust solution for secure data sharing and collaboration within the organization. Integration with numerous business applications and support for mobile devices make Box Drive a versatile and flexible solution for modern organizations.

Data protection and compliance

Compliance with data protection standards such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is particularly important. Public clouds such as OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox are often not suitable as they do not meet the necessary compliance requirements and data protection standards. Instead, companies should rely on solutions that comply with European data protection regulations, such as TeamDrive, which offers higher security standards and fully meets GDPR requirements.

Companies must ensure that their cloud providers adhere to strict data protection guidelines and carry out regular security checks. Choosing a cloud provider that is able to meet an organization's specific compliance requirements is critical to protecting sensitive data and avoiding potential legal issues. In addition, organizations should conduct regular training and awareness sessions for their employees to ensure that everyone involved understands the importance of data privacy and security and adheres to best practices.


Cloud solutions are essential for modern businesses. They offer numerous benefits, such as cost savings, flexibility and increased security. SMEs in particular can benefit from these solutions by making their IT infrastructure more efficient and improving team collaboration. When choosing the right cloud provider, it is crucial to pay attention to security standards and data protection requirements in order to achieve the best results.

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