Mobile working and IT security: tips and measures

May 29, 2024

Mobile working and IT security: tips and measures
Find out how you can make mobile working secure and ensure IT security.

Mobile working and IT security: tips and measures

Working from home and mobile working are in vogue and require special IT security measures. Pragmatic solutions should be found to maintain the ability to work while ensuring confidentiality, availability and integrity.

What you need to know

  • Clear rules and raising employee awareness are essential.
  • Security measures in the home office should be comparable to those in the office.
  • Encryption and regular data backups are essential.
  • VPNs and verifiable communication channels must be ensured.
  • Ongoing training and sensitization of employees is necessary.

Clear rules and awareness-raising

It is important to define binding IT security rules in writing and communicate them to all employees. These should regulate the handling of sensitive information and the conditions for its transportation and processing outside the institution.

Security measures in the home office

Home workplaces should offer a level of security equivalent to that in the office. This includes locked doors, protection against access by third parties and tidying up the workplace to protect sensitive information. It must be decided which activities can be carried out outside the office.

Encryption and data backup

Mobile IT systems and data carriers should always be encrypted to make access to confidential information more difficult. Regular data backups are essential and important data should not be stored locally.

Verification and VPN

Clear points of contact and verifiable communication channels must be ensured. Employees should access internal resources via secure communication channels such as VPN. If a VPN solution is not available, advice should be sought from IT experts.

IT security when working from home: 10 golden rules

  1. Define the use of home office: Clarify to what extent and for which tasks home office should be used.
  2. Derive regulations: Create clear regulations on data use, software, data protection and communication.
  3. Create technical requirements: Ensure that employees have fast internet access, sufficient licenses and company-owned devices.
  4. Get support: Use experts and support programs to facilitate the introduction of home office.
  5. Access and access protection: Implement measures such as lockable cabinets and privacy screens.
  6. Encrypted communication and remote access: Use VPNs and encrypted means of communication to ensure data security.
  7. Data backup: Ensure regular data backups to prevent data loss.
  8. Handling documents and confidential information: Protect paper-based documents and data carriers both in transit and on site.
  9. Trust in employees: Work closely with your employees to promote understanding and acceptance of the rules.
  10. Ongoing awareness of risks: Train your employees regularly on current security risks and encourage them to report incidents.

These measures enable companies to significantly increase safety and efficiency in the home office.

Mobile working and IT security: future-proof strategies

With the increasing shift of workplaces to the home office and the growing use of mobile devices, IT security is becoming more and more important. Companies should therefore invest in future-proof strategies that include both technological and organizational measures. This includes the regular updating of security software, the introduction of multi-factor authentication and the continuous monitoring of networks. Such measures not only ensure the security of sensitive data, but also strengthen the trust of employees and customers in the company's security standards.

These measures enable companies to significantly increase security and efficiency in the home office.


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