Cybersecurity & remote work: protect your company

May 7, 2024

Cybersecurity & remote work: protect your company
Increase cyber security for remote work with practical tips and protection against cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity and remote work: an essential connection

The increasing shift to remote working has brought the need for increased cybersecurity measures into the spotlight. Companies and business leaders are faced with the challenge of protecting their data and networks against a growing number of cyberattacks while their employees work from home. Here's how to effectively increase home office security and protect against the most common threats.

What you need to know:

  • The risks of phishing and social engineering attacks have increased during the pandemic.
  • The use of personal devices and misconfiguration of cloud technologies pose additional security risks.

The challenges of cybersecurity in the home office

North IT Group GmbH would like to point out that the IT Security Act requires companies to take appropriate measures to secure their IT systems and data. This applies all the more to working from home, where the boundaries between private and business IT environments are blurred. Cyber attacks, especially phishing and social engineering, exploit these insecurities to gain access to sensitive information or spread malware.

Recognizing and minimizing security risks

The security risks associated with working from home are manifold and require a comprehensive understanding and appropriate countermeasures:

  • Private devices: using private devices for business purposes increases the risk of data leaks and cyberattacks.
  • Cloud configurations: Misconfigurations in the cloud can allow unintended access to sensitive data.
  • Phishing attacks: The increase in phishing attempts requires increased vigilance and employee training.
  • Steps to increase security
  • To improve cyber security in the home office, North IT Group GmbH recommends the following measures:
  • Use strong and unique passwords for all accounts and Wi-Fi networks.
  • Preferably work on devices that are issued and managed by the company.
  • Always keep software and operating systems up to date to close known security gaps.
  • Use a VPN to establish a secure connection to the company network.
  • Train your employees regularly on cybersecurity risks and practices.
  • Implement two-factor authentication for added protection.

Practical tips for home office security

A solid cybersecurity strategy requires not only the right tools, but also an awareness and understanding of the existing risks among all employees. Here are nine essential tips to make working from home safer:

  • Increase your employees' awareness of cyber attacks and their methods.
  • Always use up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software.
  • Secure your home network by using strong, unique passwords.
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for business activities.
  • Regularly check the security settings of your cloud services.
  • Ensure regular backups of important data.
  • Use encryption technologies to protect data.
  • Implement a clear policy on the use of personal devices for work.
  • Promote a culture of security within the company to emphasize the importance of cyber security.

The importance of regular cybersecurity audits and assessments

In addition to the steps already mentioned, it is essential for companies to conduct regular cybersecurity audits and assessments. These audits not only help uncover vulnerabilities and security gaps in the existing system, but also evaluate the effectiveness of the security measures implemented. At a time when cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and targeted, regular audits provide an indispensable method of continuously improving the security architecture and adapting it to the ever-changing threat landscape. They also promote proactive security management and ensure that both technical and human security factors are taken into account. By investing in regular security assessments, companies significantly strengthen their defenses against cyberattacks and protect their valuable data and resources more effectively.


Working from home presents companies with new security challenges, especially in times when cyber attacks are on the rise. However, by implementing recommended security measures and training employees, companies can ensure a high level of security. North IT Group GmbH supports you in strengthening your cyber security strategy and effectively protecting your company from cyber attacks.


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