Interview with our Frontend Developer Eugen

Oct 17, 2023

Interview with our Frontend Developer Eugen
Our frontend developer Eugen told us about the basic principles of his work and small secrets of success.

Why did you choose frontend development?

I started with hardware direction (Assembler, C++), developing devices on microcontrollers and FPGAs. It was certainly interesting, but from the beginning of development to visual result - it was a long way. Then I started to get interested in web development, where I could see at once the results of my work. Seeing the result is something that motivates me incredibly and pushes me to further work.

Three qualities that a good frontend developer needs.

A good frontend developer must be a pedant to achieve Pixel Perfect - it's a kind of zen in frontend. You have to be curious, because it's important to bring something new from constantly evolving technologies and modern approaches. And when making a front, you need to realize that the one who will use it should be comfortable. It will definitely add pluses to your karma!

How to achieve common understanding in a pair of designer and frontend developer to create a high-quality product?

When a designer and frontend developer work together, the most important thing is to understand each other's operating principles.

Write in chat or make a short meeting?

Short moments are easier to solve through chat, it saves time. But in general, I am in favor of live communication, I like to feel a person. Not a single chat room can fully convey emotions, intonations and accents.