Book club. Project Manager Margarita | NORTH IT GROUP

Oct 12, 2023

Book club. Project Manager Margarita | NORTH IT GROUP
Margarita shares how the ideas from one of her favorite books are reflected in her work at North IT Group.

What is the most difficult task for a manager?

I’d say establishing rules and routines. Not only because you must create flows that are optimal for everyone. Even effective routines fail because of team members not having the inspiration, will or discipline to follow them.

Whether you are a manager or not, I highly suggest “Atomic Habits“ by James Clear: a book that breaks down routine building.

Several ideas from the book on building positive habits:

  • Stacking: After (current habit) I will (new habit).
  • Don’t break a habit more than twice. It's not a single skip that destroys the habit, but the ones that follow it.

To break free from destructive ones:

  • Remove the triggers of bad habits from your environment.
  • Don’t eliminate a bad habit, replace it with a good habit that provides a similar benefit.

Look up more ideas in the Atomic Habits book and in our posts!