Interview with our HR-Manager Daria | North IT Group

Oct 10, 2023

Interview with our HR-Manager Daria | North IT Group
Learn more about the tasks of an HR manager at North IT Group. Daria tells us about the specifics of her job and her plans for the future.

📌 What part of your job is the most fun?

One thing I enjoy the most about my job is the opportunity to interact with people. I take pride in the positivity and enthusiasm I bring to the workplace, and it's always rewarding to see how others contribute to this atmosphere. The team I work with consists of friendly and interesting people who make every working day a pleasant experience. For me, it is important to be a reliable source of support for my colleagues, this is what makes me an integral part of the team.

📌 Can you share with us a question that you consistently ask during interviews to help reveal a candidate's personality?

In the job interview, the crucial part is establishing an open dialogue. To accomplish this, I start by asking about the candidate's hobbies and interests. Then we move on to discussing their work experience, at this point, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate's skills. Finally, I address questions regarding English proficiency and salary expectations. Since a job interview is a two-way conversation, I expect the candidate to ask specific questions about the vacancy and the company. Otherwise, I would question their interest in the position.

📌 What would you answer to this question?

Before answering any questions, I make sure to thoroughly research the company and the position I am applying for. It is important to have a clear picture of the company's values and the requirements for the position. Based on these facts, I would pick my answers and emphasize those of my skills that fit the company's needs. Therefore, my answers would vary depending on the job profile and the company’s expectations.

📌 If you had the chance to work one week in any position in North IT Group, which would you choose?

I enjoy my current position within the company and find it fulfilling both personally and professionally. Looking ahead, I aspire to eventually lead my own team of HR managers and drive our department to a new level.