Interview with our IOS developer Oleg

Jul 31, 2023

Interview with our IOS developer Oleg
Our IOS developer Oleg told us about the best moments of his work in the company, his plans, and also proposed an idea of a new function for IOS.

How long have you been working at North IT and what has been the most memorable experience during this time?

I've been part of the North IT team for almost a year now, specializing in app development. The brightest memory of this period is the first App-release in AppStore, after all the hard work we put into hybrid app development. I was over the moon when it received positive feedback and gained traction among users, especially after implementing app optimization techniques.

Did you have to choose between iOS and Android development? How did you come to iOS development?

I never had to choose between iOS and Android development at North IT. As long as I can remember, I was impressed by the Apple products. My first mobile phone was an iPhone 5s, and it was love at first sight. So, when my interest for programming developed into a profession, I knew I wanted to focus on iOS development, which led me to my current role in the company.

If you could add any feature to iOS, what would it be and why?

In my wildest dreams, iOS implements a system like J.A.R.V.I.S from the Iron Man movies, which is basically Artificial Intelligence connected to the house equipment and capable of identifying users in several ways. This feature would revolutionize the way we interact with our devices and create a seamless, personalized experience for each user.

If you could only use one emoji for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

When I had to use only one emoji, I would choose hands shaping a heart. It's both distinctively charming and versatile enough to convey irony when needed, making it an excellent choice for expressing a wide range of emotions and messages in both personal and professional communications.