Design = Art?

Jun 30, 2023

Design = Art?
What is the difference between design and art?

When talking about art, terms like inspiration, muse, inventiveness or creativity often come to mind. UX/UI design, on the other hand, is more likely to be associated with characteristics such as user-friendliness, problem-solving orientation or clarity. In fact, design and art are often not clearly separable in reality - but they are different in terms of their purpose.

The most important task of a designer is to solve the customer's problems. To do this, for example, a website must be designed in such a way that the user can easily take the majority of the content and remember the most important. To ensure this, in addition to a lot of experience, it depends, among other things, on the use of statistics, compliance with general rules of composition, as well as the right choice of font.

In addition, there is another not insignificant factor - creativity. Without it, many pages and design themes would be too similar and, accordingly, boring. The fact is: In the visualization age, people literally look at information diagonally - across the website with their eyes. Here, an inventive designer has a clear advantage. Nevertheless, creativity is not the most important prerequisite for the design profession.