AI advantages and disadvantages

Apr 28, 2023

AI advantages and disadvantages
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work and live, especially in the field of IT. We asked our team about the impact of AI on their work lives.

Alex, developer:

In my personal experience, AI chatbots can be helpful for some simple tasks, but they still have some way to go before they can fully meet users' needs. From technical challenges to the risk of mistakes, relying on AI chatbots can be risky. You should be careful with the responses you get from AI chatbots. I believe that turning to a trusted colleague who has dealt with a similar issue can be more efficient and secure. In my opinion, it's important to strike a balance between AI and human input to achieve the best results in IT development.

Maria, designer:

When I'm working on mock-ups or portfolio pieces, I find that AI-generated text can be a great substitute for generic filler text like Lorem Ipsum. It not only supports the visual elements, but also gives a better insight into the project. Additionally, AI-generated images are a real time-saver for me. I used to spend hours scrolling through stock images to find the perfect one, but with AI, I can give direct instructions and quickly make adjustments based on the results. The end product is usually very close to my original vision. Overall, I think that AI is an essential tool for streamlining the creative process and achieving more accurate and efficient results.


Overall, AI is transforming the IT industry, creating exciting new opportunities for innovation and growth. By embracing AI and its potential, all IT workers can stay ahead of the curve and drive real value for their businesses and customers. Stay updated on the latest AI trends and technologies to leverage the power of AI and advance your career in IT.